5 Reasons to Read the Bible Daily - a blog post by contributing author Claire Wiggins.
Hi. I’m Claire from south Alabama. I am a Christ-follower, a high school teacher, and a lover of art. I consider myself a lifelong learner and like to share what I’m learning about God and life in both conversation and writing. It is my delight to share some of those things with you here!
You may have heard the “Bible reading and food” analogy. It’s something like, “Reading the Bible for a Christian is like eating food. You have to eat food to live. Christians have to read the Bible to live. If you deprive yourself of food, you’re going to starve!”
I’ve found this analogy to be true over the past 13 years as a Christian. When I skip my quiet time repeatedly or read a short devotional every once in a while, I’m hungry. My mind is anxious. My relationships are shallow. Mostly, I feel distant from the Lord.
For a follower of Christ, there is nothing that can replace a daily intake of God’s Word, a rich helping of delicious truth that satisfies our souls. Here are 5 reasons why a daily Scripture-packed meal is necessary for the Christian.
1. Fellowship in God - And He appointed twelve…so that they might be with him…Mark 3:14
God wants to be with us. He delights in us. If God “breathed out” all Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16), then when we’re reading his Word, he is speaking to us as we bask in his presence. We were designed not just to obey God or beg God, but to enjoy being with God.
2. Conviction (of sin) in God – …I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. 1 John 2:1
The Bible is like a mirror to the human heart, showing us our faults. God doesn’t want us to sin because sin enslaves us. By its poetry, its stories, and its letters, God’s Word shows us what we need to confess and how to repent.
3. Peace in God – You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you... Isaiah 26:3
Daily reading helps us to handle the conflicts of life. It fills us with ideas about God: his character, his promises, his kingdom. When we focus on the big picture – who God is – he gives us peace to guard us through our hours.
4. Equipped in God – …that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
God created us for “good works” (Ephesians 2:10). The Bible helps equip us for those works, building our spiritual muscles. Reading the Bible consistently hides God’s Word in our hearts and the Holy Spirit empowers us to do what we’re called to do.
5. Hope in God –…that…through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4
God has promised good for the world. He is going to renew it; he’s already renewing us. Scripture reminds us that we have hope – a godly hope. It is our confidence that God will do what he says he’s going to do. Meditating on Scripture fills us with hope in Christ.
Each reason ends with in God, lest we forget that our primary goal for reading the Bible is to meet with and enjoy God. You are welcome at his table. Come and eat.
5 Reasons to Read the Bible Daily is a blog post by contributing author Claire Wiggins.
Kathryn Beal says
Lovely post, Claire!
Alice says
Very good “food” for heart. And mind!
Michele Brown says
Sara says
Wonderful post by Claire! Uplifting & encouraging:)